Replacing Autokey in Wayland

Many Linux distros are leaving xorg (x11) for Wayland, as display server protocol. Unfortunately not all the applications are ready for Wayland.

In particular Autokey, a very useful application to expand text and automatize typing operations, is not (yet) compatible with Wayland.

A quite good replacement of Autokey is Espanso. But there are also some limitations:

  • Espanso has big problems in LibreWriter (abbreviations are often expanded with errors). Similar problems there were also with Autokey in LibreWriter, but Autokey was able to provide some workarounds.
  • Espanso, unlike Autokey, can provide a very small range of hotkeys (such as ctrl + alt + d): Espanso can use only hotkeys with ctrl (not with alt or shift) and a few letters. I.g. “x01” means “ctrl + a”. You can find the whole range of possible combinations here.

However, as long as the main typing operations are in LibreWriter, or Kate, you can use that applications possibilities to expand text.

in LibreWriter there are at least two possibilities (to expand an abbreviation):

  • tools – > autocorrect
  • tools -> autotext

In Kate you can use snippets to create something similar to Autokey.

I.g. to create a snippet to wrap selected text with the tag <h1>, you can add this code as snippet code:

${rangeCommand("<h1>%%1</h1>", "title")}

Choose the title as you prefer (obviously without spaces), and a key combination, i.g. ctrl+1.

Don’t forget to add, in the javascript section (the tab scripts) this code

function rangeCommand(command, def) {
    if (view.selectedText().length > 0) {
        return command.replace("%%1", view.selectedText());
    } else {
        return command.replace("%%1", def);

In this way, you will be able to add a title <h1> to your selected text.

KDE user dictionary

You can find it i.g. in your home folder, as hidden file with a name such as .hunspell_it_IT.

If you have many PC you can share it between your devices.

set a variable php from another webpage

This can be useful to build a multilingual website. The code is very simple. Suppose to have a variable lang of the body of you pages. Something like this:

<body lang="<?php if(empty($lang)) {echo "it";} else {echo"$lang";} ?>">

And suppose that you want set the lang (language) of the target page from a link in a starting page.

You can use a code like the following

In the starting (aaa.1.php):

<p><a href="aaa.2.php?setlang=en">eng</a><br /><a href="aaa.2.php?setlang=it">ita</a><br /><a href="aaa.2.php?setlang=es">esp</a></p>

In the target page (aaa.2.php):

$lang = $_GET['setlang'];
 <body lang="<?php if(empty($lang)) {echo "it";} else {echo"$lang";} ?>">
<p>your content here</p>

Regex find and replace a digit

To find only a single digit (such as “1”, or “2”) and replace (only) it, you have to add a plus after \d.

Something like:


(to find it) and


to replace it.

For example you have to add a new element to these lines

1 some first text 
3 some other text
8 other text

You can use this regex

find: (\d+) replace: \n\1

as a result you will get

1 some first text 

3 some other text

8 other text

Pop-up footnotes (at the window bottom)

A good starting point is the Hugo footnotes

But I have done some improvements (according to my needs), as the following:

  1. link (at the end of a html page) the file footnotes.js, with this content:
function getFootnoteContent(index) {
  const id = "fn:" + index;
  const fn = document.getElementById(id);
  return fn.innerHTML.trim();

function footnotePopup(showIndex, showCloseBtn) {
  const popupWrapper = document.querySelector("#popup-wrapper");

  // Set whether to display index and/or close button. Default is true for both
  if (showIndex === undefined) {
    showIndex = true;

  if (showCloseBtn === undefined) {
    showCloseBtn = false;

  // Create main container that will hold footnote content
  const popupContent = popupWrapper.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); = "popup-content";

  let popupIndex = null;
  if (showIndex) {
    popupIndex = popupWrapper.insertBefore(
    ); = "popup-index";

  let popupCloseButton = null;
  if (showCloseBtn) {
    popupCloseButton = popupWrapper.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
    popupCloseButton.innerHTML = "[x]"; = "popup-close";

  // Remove redundant [return] links from footnote list (optional)
  const fnReturns = document.querySelectorAll("a.footnote-return");
  fnReturns.forEach(function (fnReturn) {
    const parent = fnReturn.parentNode;

  const fnRefs = document.querySelectorAll("a[id^='fnref:']");
  fnRefs.forEach(function (fnRef) {
    fnRef.addEventListener("click", handler("refs", fnRef));

  //window.addEventListener("scroll", handler("close"));
    function (event) {
      if ("a[id^='fnref']") ||"#popup-content")
      ) {
      } = "none";

  if (showCloseBtn) {
    popupCloseButton.addEventListener("click", handler("close"));

  function handler(type, node) {
    return function (event) {
      if (type === "close") { = "none";

      if (type === "refs") {

        const index =;

        if (showIndex) {
          popupIndex.innerHTML = index + ".";

        popupContent.innerHTML = getFootnoteContent(index); = "flex";

footnotePopup(false, true);

2) Put, before that link, the div where the note will be shown

<div class=\"bottom-panel\" id=\"bottom-panel\">
 <div class=\"popup-wrapper\" id=\"popup-wrapper\"></div>

3) Modify the anchor tag (within your main text), with something like

<a href="#n1" id="fnref:1">[1]</a> 

4) and the footnote should be like the following:

<p id="fn:1"><a href="#fnref:1">[1]</a> your footnote here.</p> 

Update a mysql table replacing it

Replacing a table with the same name, I mean. You have to add, before “CREATE TABLE tablename” this row:

DROP TABLE tablename;

You can also add single rows, exporting them, and importing in a sql query, like the following:

INSERT INTO bibliografie (ID, autore, autore_nome, titolo, imagelink, sigla, tipologia, curatori, curatore_unico, opera, rivista, num, pagg, edizione, luogo, data, data_spec, trad_titolo, trad_edizione, trad_luogo, trad_data, contenuti, keywords, reperibilita, letto, letto_quando, valutazione, riferito, destinazione, ambito, href, ad_code) VALUES
(1880, 'Godechot', 'Jacques', 'La Révolution française : chronologie commentée, suivie de notices biographiques sur les personnages cités', NULL, 'Godechot [1988]', 'libro', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Perrin', 'Paris', '1988', NULL, 'La Rivoluzione francese. Cronologia commentata 1787-1799', 'Bompiani', 'Milano', '2001', '', 'Rivoluzione francese ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'storia', NULL, NULL);

Regex for first lowercase letter

If you have en ebook that split badly a paragraph, you can try (to merge the bad splitted paragraph), as find


so that a paragraph beginning with a lowercase word be merged with the previous one.

But in Calibre editor you must check “case sensitive”, otherwise [a-z] will be read as [A-Z], and all first letters (lower and upper case) will be selected.

And as replace you could try


In this way you keep whatever letter is found with ([a-z]) in the result.

Regex for “space”

It can happen that you want replace a double space before <p>: use the \s. I.g. to replace



You should use this find: ,</p>\n\n\s\s</p>