Google speech-to-text

If you use Google speech-to-text one problem is to type signs such as ‘(‘ or ‘)’. In English you can say (in a low voice) open bracket or close bracket. In Italian apri parentesi tonda o chiudi parentesi tonda: indeed saying only apri parentesi Google will type “apri parentesi” and not “( “.

audio players

An excellent audio player is Clementine (and its fork Strawberry), which can do a lot of things. Its graphical intercace is very intuitive and complete.

But quite good is also QuodLibet: very fast (with a spartan graphical interface, not really intuitive) but highly customizable (i.g. you can create, edit and view new type of audio tags, or create bookmarks within an audio file). In my (personal) opinion it can integrate, but not replace Clementine. Indeed Quodlibet has some serious limitations, such as crashing, if you add some plugins, or it is not able to browse your disk (the only navigation is through tags, not through files).

Audacious is a very light solution, a good one if you don’t have too many audio files and you don’t need to have multiple options.

Sound in Musescore 4

In Ubuntu, to get the sound in Musescore 4, after installing Pipewire (with its repo) you could have to follow these steps (in Italian, but you can find it in English as well).

If you have, following that steps, an error (such as Error while installing package: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man1/pipewire-pulse.1.gz', which is also in package pipewire-pulse 0.3.48-1ubuntu3) you can resolve with this command:

sudo dpkg -r pipewire-pulse

As said here.

MIDI keyboard and Linux

To get your MIDI keyboard working in Linux, you should do something like the following steps:

1) install Rosegarden, which automatically install jack and the related software in particular Qjackqtl (jack GUI). Maybe you could install directly Qjackqtl…

2) add your user to the audio group

sudo usermod -a -G audio <your_user_name>

3) install Qsynth,
4) do the following terminal command

sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade -y; sudo apt install -y pipewire-audio-client-libraries libspa-0.2-bluetooth libspa-0.2-jack wireplumber pipewire-media-session-; sudo cp /usr/share/doc/pipewire/examples/alsa.conf.d/99-pipewire-default.conf /etc/alsa/conf.d/; sudo cp /usr/share/doc/pipewire/examples/*.conf /etc/; sudo ldconfig; sudo apt remove -y pulseaudio-module-bluetooth; systemctl --user --now enable wireplumber.service

Musescore and a MIDI keyboard

To get Musescore able to record from a MIDI keyboard I had to use the 4 release, so far with an appimage from their website.

normalize audio volume

In Linux you can use 1) ffmpeg-normalize, which however re-encode audio files, or 2) normalize-audio, which don’t encode the files, but change only the volume metatag.

This second way therefore on the one hand is less invasive (and less destructive), but on the other hand the changes could be not correctly read by the audio player you use.

embed a playlist in a web page

After many attempts I finally figured taht it’s impossible embed an audio playlist (such as m3u) to a webpage: you can add only multiple (audio) files, but not a playlist.

I tried with the <audio> tag: nothing to to, even with jquery or javascript. Neither with <embed> or <object> html tags: html developers allow only a single audio playing, not a playlist.

The mimetype “audio/x-mpegurl” doesn’t work.

syncing subtitles troubles


Correcting subtitles framerate may be very important to sync it with audio/video. You can select all subtitles with an editor, and change framerate (for example to 25 from 23.976).

Thereby you should see the video correctly (with VLC or others).

the ultimate solution

If adjusting framerate didn’t fix your problem, you can try an excellent tool (for Linux, Windows and Mac as well): SubSync, whicth works syncing audio with subtitles, and was able so far to solve all my sincing subtitles problems.

You could have a permissions problem working the first time with SubSync, but you will find easily on the web.

speech to text in Linux con KDE connect

Per usare della potenza di Google (speech synthesizer), si può usare KDE connect e il controllo remoto che questi permette da smartphone a PC:

1.attivare KDE connect anche sul PC,
2.da smartphone aprire la app KDE connect e scegliere “impulso remoto”,
3. scegliere come tastiera “Google digitazione digitale”,
Parlare nello smartphone e così si vedrà il testo apparire sul PC, nel
programma focalizzato e nel punto in cui è posizionato il cursore.

Può darsi che qualche volta sbagli gli accenti, in questo caso chiudete e riaprite Google digitazione digitale.

android 9

Trovare il modo per passare a Google digitazione vocale  non è facile: occorre cliccare sulla minuscola tastierina in basso a destra: