Pop-up footnotes (at the window bottom)

A good starting point is the Hugo footnotes

But I have done some improvements (according to my needs), as the following:

  1. link (at the end of a html page) the file footnotes.js, with this content:
function getFootnoteContent(index) {
  const id = "fn:" + index;
  const fn = document.getElementById(id);
  return fn.innerHTML.trim();

function footnotePopup(showIndex, showCloseBtn) {
  const popupWrapper = document.querySelector("#popup-wrapper");

  // Set whether to display index and/or close button. Default is true for both
  if (showIndex === undefined) {
    showIndex = true;

  if (showCloseBtn === undefined) {
    showCloseBtn = false;

  // Create main container that will hold footnote content
  const popupContent = popupWrapper.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
  popupContent.id = "popup-content";

  let popupIndex = null;
  if (showIndex) {
    popupIndex = popupWrapper.insertBefore(
    popupIndex.id = "popup-index";

  let popupCloseButton = null;
  if (showCloseBtn) {
    popupCloseButton = popupWrapper.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
    popupCloseButton.innerHTML = "[x]";
    popupCloseButton.id = "popup-close";

  // Remove redundant [return] links from footnote list (optional)
  const fnReturns = document.querySelectorAll("a.footnote-return");
  fnReturns.forEach(function (fnReturn) {
    const parent = fnReturn.parentNode;

  const fnRefs = document.querySelectorAll("a[id^='fnref:']");
  fnRefs.forEach(function (fnRef) {
    fnRef.addEventListener("click", handler("refs", fnRef));

  //window.addEventListener("scroll", handler("close"));
    function (event) {
      if (
        event.target.matches("a[id^='fnref']") ||
      ) {
      popupWrapper.style.display = "none";

  if (showCloseBtn) {
    popupCloseButton.addEventListener("click", handler("close"));

  function handler(type, node) {
    return function (event) {
      if (type === "close") {
        popupWrapper.style.display = "none";

      if (type === "refs") {

        const index = node.id.substring(6);

        if (showIndex) {
          popupIndex.innerHTML = index + ".";

        popupContent.innerHTML = getFootnoteContent(index);
        popupWrapper.style.display = "flex";

footnotePopup(false, true);

2) Put, before that link, the div where the note will be shown

<div class=\"bottom-panel\" id=\"bottom-panel\">
 <div class=\"popup-wrapper\" id=\"popup-wrapper\"></div>

3) Modify the anchor tag (within your main text), with something like

<a href="#n1" id="fnref:1">[1]</a> 

4) and the footnote should be like the following:

<p id="fn:1"><a href="#fnref:1">[1]</a> your footnote here.</p> 

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