sync murena on android nextcloud

When you are asked to set a server (opening nextcloud app on android), it’s enough to enter Then you will asked for your user and password. (found here::

A problem, if you connect your android device with KDEConnect and you copy your password from your PC, could be to paste it in password field. For security reason your keyboard could not allow you to paste easy. But eventually I managed to paste it without typing it.

phone on router problem

If, after changing (physically) something on your router (linked with phone), your phone doesn’t work any more, and if you have more than one (phone) socket on the router, try to change socket.

router settings

In this case, as in many other, it a good idea to backup your settings. Indeed if you do a hard reset of your router, you loose your settings.
To backup settings you should use a browser (web-like) interface (firefox, or chrome, or an other one) using a url like or something similar, and search for “backup” (or “save”) router settings.

audio players

An excellent audio player is Clementine (and its fork Strawberry), which can do a lot of things. Its graphical intercace is very intuitive and complete.

But quite good is also QuodLibet: very fast (with a spartan graphical interface, not really intuitive) but highly customizable (i.g. you can create, edit and view new type of audio tags, or create bookmarks within an audio file). In my (personal) opinion it can integrate, but not replace Clementine. Indeed Quodlibet has some serious limitations, such as crashing, if you add some plugins, or it is not able to browse your disk (the only navigation is through tags, not through files).

Audacious is a very light solution, a good one if you don’t have too many audio files and you don’t need to have multiple options.

syncing firefox

Symlinking logins.json is not possibile, you have to copy it every time. And it is necessary that logins.json matchs to key4.db.

Markdown editor

Unfortunately same of the best MD editors have critical limitations

  • Dynalist, i.g., would be an excellent md editor, but it forces you to use an online account (that means: a) you must be connected to the internet, and b) you share your data with Dynalist, and so your privacy goes away).
  • VNote too would be a good md editor, but it forces you to use its proprietary format (with only files in its own folder), and so you can’t open any existing md file.
  • LogSeq is very slow in starting, doesn’t provide a wysing editor, can’t edit long files, and, as the other above editors, it don’t let you open, modify and save existing md files.
  • Joplin is a bite better, but it too don’t let open, modify and save existing md files: you must use its folder, and its proprietary format.
  • Siyuan is anothe app that force you to use its folder and its proprietary format.
  • Obsidian is not able to open or save any md file, even though it uses markdown.
  • MdSilo is not a bad program, but is very basic.
  • MarkText would be quite good wysing md editor, quite similar to Typora, but unfortunately it is discontinued.
  • Typora is the best md wysing editor: it support css customization and symlinks, you can easily open and save your md existing files (wherever they are). But is is not open source, but a pay app.

KDE user dictionary

You can find it i.g. in your home folder, as hidden file with a name such as .hunspell_it_IT.

If you have many PC you can share it between your devices.

problems with an encrypted partition

In Linux you could face an impossibility to mount a crypted partition.

The command that could be useful then are

1. sudo dmsetup ls --tree
2. ls -l /dev/mapper/
3. sudo dmsetup remove /dev/dm-0

You have to replace dm-0 with your result in 2.

set a variable php from another webpage

This can be useful to build a multilingual website. The code is very simple. Suppose to have a variable lang of the body of you pages. Something like this:

<body lang="<?php if(empty($lang)) {echo "it";} else {echo"$lang";} ?>">

And suppose that you want set the lang (language) of the target page from a link in a starting page.

You can use a code like the following

In the starting (aaa.1.php):

<p><a href="aaa.2.php?setlang=en">eng</a><br /><a href="aaa.2.php?setlang=it">ita</a><br /><a href="aaa.2.php?setlang=es">esp</a></p>

In the target page (aaa.2.php):

$lang = $_GET['setlang'];
 <body lang="<?php if(empty($lang)) {echo "it";} else {echo"$lang";} ?>">
<p>your content here</p>

webdav after changing cloud password

I.G. you could have changed the psw switching to 2FA. So, in Linux, Dolphin o any other file manager could not recognize any more your cloud webdav.

To fix this problem, try the following steps:

1. in system settings -> KDE Wallet -> Wallet Manager -> Passwords – > Maps,

2. find your old cloud account and delete it,

3. then you will asked, as expected, for a new user and password.

4. And then it should work.