Vivaldi public key issue

After several unsuccessfull attempts to fix a Vivaldi NO_PUBKEY error, I found this working solution:

wget -qO- | gpg --dearmor | sudo dd of=/usr/share/keyrings/vivaldi-browser.gpg

and then:

sudo apt update

quick type special characters

In Linux you can use ComposeKey, setting it for example (in System settings) as RightCtrl (the right-Ctrl key). RightCtrl is better than AltGr in Italian keyboard, to keep AltGr for some characters like ‘[‘, or ‘]’, or ‘@’, or ‘#’, otherwise unaccessible.

In that way, when you type 1) first RightCtrl 2) then ^ 3) then o, you will get ô. You don’t need to press simultaneously all the keys.

To sum up, the main simbols :

  • RightCtrl+^+o = ô
  • RightCtrl+”+o = ö
  • RightCtrl+’+o = ó