leaving xampp

For many years I used xampp (for Linux: Lampp), because of its simplicity, unlike the “native” Linux apache/php/mysql apps, wich seemed to me very difficult to configure.

The pro of xampp is its simplicity (with few mouse clicks you can do all to install and configure your local php/mysql sever). But the con is that your xampp apps don’t are updated regularly, and there can raise conflicts with Linux “native” mysql.

Therefore I decided to learn how to configure “native” (system-rooted, so to say) apache/php/mysql apps. I chose to install mariadb and not mysql.

And in these last weeks I managed to configure the server, with the following steps:

  • sudo apt install -y apache2
  • sudo apt install -y php
  • sudo apt install mariadb*
  • sudo mysql_secure_installation
  • sudo mysql -u root -p (and within >mysql shell
    • use mysql
    • SHOW GRANTS FOR 'root'@localhost; //to check if it is all right
    • exit;
  • sudo systemctl enable mariadb.service

import an xml into phpmyadmin

Given that WordPress doesn’t allow to import a local file (and this is quite unfair, in my opinion), you can transform a wp site into a xml file and then import it in your local database via phpmyadmin.

But you have to format carefully the xml: look how phpmyadmin export an xml file and format your xml according to that model.

localhost: connessione non riuscita e altro

Non si tratta di permessi, né di files di configurazione. Ho risolto reinstallando lampp (o meglio istallandone una nuova versione).
Da notare che bisogna salvare l’installer di lampp (se si ha linux) su una partizione linux, altruimenti non parte.

Tabella corrotta, secondo l’ultima versione di MariaDB: si veda http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26871926/mariadb-mysql-database-table-corrupt-cant-repair.
In particolare funziona il “REPAIR TABLE myTable USE_FRM;”