how to pass a php variable to javascript

You can use a code like the following:

  $name= "Hello World";
<script type="text/javascript"> 
  var x = "<?php echo "$name"?>";      

and then insert this code in a php page: but not with a js extension, but with some like inc

php show a content in a given period of the year

You can use a very simple php code, f.e. for Christmas and Happy New Year greetings:

$dataattuale = date('m-d');
$inizioauguri = date('m-d', strtotime("11/13"));
$finauguri = date('m-d', strtotime("01/10"));  
if (($dataattuale >= $inizioauguri) && ($finauguri <= $finauguri))
{include "$root/natalizio.php";} 

The above code show the content of natalizio.php (in root folder) from November 13th to January 10th.

Another example

$now = date('Y-m-d');
$end = date('2024-07-15');  
if ($now <= $end)
{echo "some text";}

php list and link folder’s files

an old way

There is an old way, the following:

     $path = "./";
     $dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path");
     echo "";
     while($file = readdir($dir_handle))
     if($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != 'index.php' && $file != '')
     //echo "<a href='$path/$file'>$file</a><br/>";

	   echo "<ul>";	            
     for($i=0; $i<sizeof($narray); $i++)
	    $filename = str_replace(".html", "", $narray[$i]) & str_replace(".php", "", $narray[$i]);
	   echo "<li><a href='$path$narray[$i]'>$filename</a></li>";
	   echo "</ul>";
	   //closing the directory

a new way: glob

	   echo "<ul>";	  
$phpfiles = glob("[^index]*.php");
foreach ($phpfiles as $phpfile){
     echo '<li><a href="'.$phpfile.'">'.pathinfo($phpfile, PATHINFO_FILENAME).'</a></li>'; 
	   echo "</ul>";

as you can see, the code is much simpler.

  • With this code: glob(“[^index]*.php”) we have set to list all php files except index.php.
  • with this other: ‘.pathinfo($phpfile, PATHINFO_FILENAME).’ we have set to show only filenames without extension

of course we could set a subfolder as well, with a code like the following:

$phpfiles = glob("[subfolder-name]/[^index]*.php");

php/msql keywords as hashtags

php separate all items in a mysql field

You can use the explode syntax, as in the following exapmple:

$keywords = $row['keywords'];
foreach (explode(',', $keywords) as $key) {
    echo "<span><a href="\hashtag.php?tag=$key\">{$key}</a></span>";

In the example we have a mysql field (keywords) with many items comma separated (such as : “truth, soul, body, mind” and so on).

And we obtain to have as many links from each item toward a specific target, as they are (that is: 3 links if you have 3 items, 7 links fi you have 7 ones).

In this way you can get a system of hashtags for your database keywords.

other steps

You need another file, let we call them hashtag.php.

The content of hashtag.php could be something like:

      $tag = preg_replace('/(?<!\S)#([0-9a-zA-Z]+)/', '', $_GET["tag"]);

//to beautify and stylize, but not necessary BEGIN
      include "$root/intell/";      
//to beautify and stylize, but not necessary END      

      $connect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "[mysql user]", "[mysql password]", "[mysql database]");  
      mysqli_set_charset($connect, 'utf8mb4');  // procedural style
      $query = "SELECT * FROM [your table] WHERE [your fields with tags] LIKE '%".$tag."%';  
      $result = mysqli_query($connect, $query);  
      if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0)  
           while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))  
                echo "<h2>$row[title]</h2>
                <p><i>$row[author]</i><br />";
                $keywords = $row['keywords'];
                foreach (explode(',', $keywords) as $key) {
                if(trim($row["keywords"])==''){echo "";} else{echo "<span><a href=\"hashtag.php?tag=$key\">{$key}</a></span>";}
                echo "</p>";
           echo '<p>No Data Found</p>';  

Afterwards obviously you could adjust the css according to your needs.

Of course you can have as many other php files as you want, where you usually store you database content, in which you can add the kewwords as hashtags, with a code like the following:

echo "</p><p class=\"keywords\">";
$keywords = $row['keywords'];
foreach (explode(',', $keywords) as $key) {
    if(trim($row["keywords"])==''){echo "";} else{echo "<span><a href=\"hashtag.php?tag=$key\">{$key}</a></span>";}
echo "</p>";}

batch change encoding to UTF-8 for several text (php) files

You can use recode
recode UTF-8 *.php -v

provided that all the files have the same encoding.
Otherwise you can try with something like
iconv -f US-ASCII -t UTF-8 *.php

a minor problem

It could be an apparent problem if there aren’t non-ascii characters in a file: then these files are yet recognized, with
file -i --mime-encoding *
as us-ascii.
So you can add a non ascii character, like è:
sed -i -e “$aè” *.php

and afterwards redo the command “recode” as above and replace some ascii expression, like agrave; with UFT-8 à character.
Eventually you will delete the “è” from the end of the files.

calculate age from year of birth

There are two ways:

via php

## 2. in php
You can also use php code, as in the following way
(inspired from this page (, and _slighty modified_: 

    $dob =”$row[anno_nascita]”;
    $age = date_diff(date_create($dob), date_create(‘now’))->y;
    echo “age: $age years

via mysql in phpmyadmin this sql query:
     select *,year(CURDATE())-year(anno_nascita) age from studenti__classi; 
2. save the result as view
3. and so you will have, in the view, the age (of your students, i.g.) that can work in LibreBase (to connect with that view).

linguaggio PHP includere un file remoto

Il comando “include url/nomedelfileremoto” non è sempre accessibile, ed è comunque dispendioso di risorse.
Ho trovato questo comando

echo file_get_contents(‘’);

Molto utile, ad esempio per condividere dei links tra diversi siti gestitidallo stesso webmaster.
L’ho visto su questo sito.
Occorre che il server supporti la funzione allow_url_fopen (allow_url_fopen=on).