svg with external image embedded

All browsers have this limitation: they not allow to show an svg with an external image embedded, such as

<image x="2" y="2" width="somewidth" height="someheight" xlink:href="myimage.jpg">

even though the image is in local.

For security reasons.

android mail app

K9-Mail is a good app, but unfortunately rarely updated, in the last year. Besides, it has had an annoying cryptography bug and a notification bug.

So we tried FairEmail, that is definitely more accessorized, but not really privacy-friendly as they pretend, and not so open source: impossible to contact the developer, and pro functionalities are blocked until you pay something.

So, we went back to K9-Mail, that is absolutely open-source, even more “spartan”, but in its latest release without cryptography bug and notification bug.

videochiamate (whatsapp e simli) su linux

Sconsigliatissimo whatdesk (via snap): non fa video né audio chiamate; fa le stesse cose di whatsappweb, solo consumando molto più spazio e memoria.

Un po’ meglio Franz, anche come appimage, che però fa videochiamate solo con Skype, non con Whatsapp o Icq (anche lì: fa lo stesso delle corrispondenti pagine web).