webdav after changing cloud password

I.G. you could have changed the psw switching to 2FA. So, in Linux, Dolphin o any other file manager could not recognize any more your cloud webdav.

To fix this problem, try the following steps:

1. in system settings -> KDE Wallet -> Wallet Manager -> Passwords – > Maps,

2. find your old cloud account and delete it,

3. then you will asked, as expected, for a new user and password.

4. And then it should work.

MIDI keyboard and Linux

To get your MIDI keyboard working in Linux, you should do something like the following steps:

1) install Rosegarden, which automatically install jack and the related software in particular Qjackqtl (jack GUI). Maybe you could install directly Qjackqtl…

2) add your user to the audio group

sudo usermod -a -G audio <your_user_name>

3) install Qsynth,
4) do the following terminal command

sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade -y; sudo apt install -y pipewire-audio-client-libraries libspa-0.2-bluetooth libspa-0.2-jack wireplumber pipewire-media-session-; sudo cp /usr/share/doc/pipewire/examples/alsa.conf.d/99-pipewire-default.conf /etc/alsa/conf.d/; sudo cp /usr/share/doc/pipewire/examples/ld.so.conf.d/pipewire-jack-*.conf /etc/ld.so.conf.d/; sudo ldconfig; sudo apt remove -y pulseaudio-module-bluetooth; systemctl --user --now enable wireplumber.service

Musescore and a MIDI keyboard

To get Musescore able to record from a MIDI keyboard I had to use the 4 release, so far with an appimage from their website.

Vivaldi public key issue

After several unsuccessfull attempts to fix a Vivaldi NO_PUBKEY error, I found this working solution:

wget -qO- https://repo.vivaldi.com/archive/linux_signing_key.pub | gpg --dearmor | sudo dd of=/usr/share/keyrings/vivaldi-browser.gpg

and then:

sudo apt update

disk full in linux

It may happen that your partition is almost full. So you can try to see where are too big files.

cache and logs

One reason could be cache files or log ones, in particular in /var.

You can delete useless (f.e. old) cache files and empty log files, these last with this command:

cat /dev/null > filename.log

old kernels

see this post.

avoid blur in sddm screen and lock screen

1) login screen

SDDM Breeze 5.13.0 main.qml has:

Code: Select all
        WallpaperFader {
            visible: config.type == “image”
            anchors.fill: parent
            state: loginScreenRoot.uiVisible ? “on” : “off”
            source: wallpaper
            mainStack: mainStack
            footer: footer
            clock: clock


Code: Select all
visible: config.type == “image”


Code: Select all
visible: false


Testing – no blur at here.

2) lock screen

 You have to change LockScreenUi.qml in /usr/share/plasma/look-and-feel/org.kde.breeze.desktop/contents/lockscreen as well, adding the same row:

visible: false

in  WallPaperFader

videochiamate (whatsapp e simli) su linux

Sconsigliatissimo whatdesk (via snap): non fa video né audio chiamate; fa le stesse cose di whatsappweb, solo consumando molto più spazio e memoria.

Un po’ meglio Franz, anche come appimage, che però fa videochiamate solo con Skype, non con Whatsapp o Icq (anche lì: fa lo stesso delle corrispondenti pagine web).

programmare (schedule) un evento

Si può usare, in Linux, crontab. Così:

1. Create uno script. Ad esempio, se volete che vi sia ricordato di bere:


kdeconnect-cli –ping-msg “ricordati di bere!” -d d30fdc9ed6e2bf56
play /mnt/musica/avviso.wav &&
zenity –info –display=:0.0
    –text=”Time is $(date +%Hh%M)nnricordati di bere.”
    –title=”drink time”

2. creare un evento crontab
    a. in un terminale digitale crontab -e
    b. digitare, ad esempio in nano, 30 8-11,15-18 * * * /path/to/script

Per vedere se il sistema ha salvato correttamente il proprio file di cron, digitare il seguente comando:
crontab -l

3. Per avere anche sullo smartphone l’avviso dovete avere kdeconnect

start boot service in Linux

  1. Run this command
    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/YOUR_SERVICE_NAME.service
  2. Paste in the command below. Press ctrl + x then y to save and exit
    ExecStart=/opt/lampp/lampp start
    ExecStop=/opt/lampp/lampp stop
  3. Reload services
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  4. Enable the service
    sudo systemctl enable YOUR_SERVICE_NAME
  5. Start the service
    sudo systemctl start YOUR_SERVICE_NAME
  6. Check the status of your service
    systemctl status YOUR_SERVICE_NAME
  7. Reboot your device and the program/script should be running. If it crashes it will attempt to restart

speech to text in Linux con KDE connect

Per usare della potenza di Google (speech synthesizer), si può usare KDE connect e il controllo remoto che questi permette da smartphone a PC:

1.attivare KDE connect anche sul PC,
2.da smartphone aprire la app KDE connect e scegliere “impulso remoto”,
3. scegliere come tastiera “Google digitazione digitale”,
Parlare nello smartphone e così si vedrà il testo apparire sul PC, nel
programma focalizzato e nel punto in cui è posizionato il cursore.

Può darsi che qualche volta sbagli gli accenti, in questo caso chiudete e riaprite Google digitazione digitale.

android 9

Trovare il modo per passare a Google digitazione vocale  non è facile: occorre cliccare sulla minuscola tastierina in basso a destra: