You can use Shortcut Maker “to change individual app icons on your phone for first-party and third-party apps just the same. It’s a popular alternative method that lets you tweak the app icons on your home screen.”
pdf editor (linux)
The best pdf editor in linux is, IMO, Master PDF. That is not, however, an open source application: to get its full function you must buy a (quite expensive) license.
You can bypass this problem using a previous pdf master release, that have less features, but all free. Remember to lock (pin) this relaese, otherwise your software manager will update it to the new ones.
There are others pdf editor, but not so good
- LibreDraw i.g. can edit a pdf, but the result a very untidy (detroying original formattation) and huge-sized (4 or 5 bigger than the original one) page.
- Scribus can edit a pdf, but not the outlines, and in a very poor mode. Moreover big pdf files are a problem for Scribus.
to install an appimage
Make an appimage executable is absolutely easy. But less easy is to associate that application with its mime-type files. Especially if that type of file doesn’t exist already on your system.
A very easy way, then, is to go to the appimage folder and, in a terminal, do
(sudo) ./appimage-name install
With this command all will be ready, correctly set, as if that application wouldn’t be an appimage, but a “regular” one.
folder’s metadata in php
You can add metadata to a website folder, i.g. adding in it a file, such as . folder, within write something like:
"description": "your description",
"order": 2
“order”: 2, in case you want that that folder be the second in your webpage
In the webpage you can retrieve the metadata info with a code like this:
$d = dir(".");
$folders = [];
// Array delle cartelle da escludere
$excludedDirs = ['excluded-dir', 'another-excluded-dir', 'yet-another-excluded-dir'];
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
// Controlla se l'entry è una directory e non è una delle cartelle da escludere
if (is_dir($entry) && ($entry != '.') && ($entry != '..') && !in_array($entry, $excludedDirs)) {
$metadataFile = $entry . '/.directory';
$metadata = [];
// Recupera i metadati dal file .directory
if (file_exists($metadataFile)) {
$metadata = json_decode(file_get_contents($metadataFile), true); // Leggi e decodifica il contenuto del file
// Aggiungi la cartella e i metadati all'array
$folders[] = [
'name' => $entry,
'displayName' => str_replace('-', ' ', $entry), // Sostituisci i trattini con spazi per la visualizzazione
'order' => isset($metadata['order']) ? $metadata['order'] : PHP_INT_MAX, // Usa un valore alto se non è specificato
'description' => isset($metadata['description']) ? $metadata['description'] : ''
// Ordina le cartelle in base all'attributo 'order'
usort($folders, function($a, $b) {
return $a['order'] <=> $b['order'];
echo "<h2>sotto-sezioni</h2>\n<ul>";
foreach ($folders as $folder) {
echo "<li order='{$folder['order']}'><a class='big' href='{$folder['name']}'>{$folder['displayName']}</a>";
if ($folder['description']) {
echo "<br /><p>{$folder['description']}</p>"; // Mostra la descrizione se presente
echo "</li>";
echo "</ul>";
Syling title attribute
It seems impossible: the only possibility is use date-title, and :after :hover:after pseudo-elements.
automatize your website
Recently I managed to make some new improvements about website automation
After the automation of gallery, in a previous post, I did this other automation (with php):
list php pages with a given name
With the following code, you can list (and link) all webages php files containing in its filename the variable you can set:
echo "<h3>testi on-line di $autore</h3>";
echo "<ul class=\"flexmenu\">\n";
// Escape special characters in $autore to use safely in glob pattern
$phpfiles = glob("$path/*" . preg_quote($autore_di, '/') . "*.php"); // Get all PHP files with $autore in the name
foreach ($phpfiles as $phpfile) {
$contents = file_get_contents($phpfile);
preg_match('/\$title\s*=\s*"(.*?)";/', $contents, $titleMatch);
preg_match('/\$subtitle\s*=\s*"(.*?)";/', $contents, $subtitleMatch);
preg_match('/\$description\s*=\s*"(.*?)";/', $contents, $descriptionMatch);
preg_match('/\$order\s*=\s*"(.*?)";/', $contents, $orderMatch);
$title = $titleMatch[1] ?? 'No title';
$subtitle = $subtitleMatch[1] ?? 'No subtitle';
$order = $orderMatch[1] ?? '';
$description = $descriptionMatch[1] ?? 'No description';
// Correctly extract the filename
$filename = $phpfile; // Use basename on $phpfile directly
echo " <li role='menuitem' style=\"order:$order\"><a href=\"{$filename}\">{$title}</a>, <i>{$subtitle}</i>: {$description}</li>\n";
echo "</ul>";
echo "<h3>testi on-line su $autore</h3>";
echo "<ul class=\"flexmenu\">\n";
// Escape special characters in $autore to use safely in glob pattern
$phpfiles = glob("$path/*" . preg_quote($autore_su, '/') . "*.php"); // Get all PHP files with $autore in the name
foreach ($phpfiles as $phpfile) {
$contents = file_get_contents($phpfile);
preg_match('/\$title\s*=\s*"(.*?)";/', $contents, $titleMatch);
preg_match('/\$subtitle\s*=\s*"(.*?)";/', $contents, $subtitleMatch);
preg_match('/\$description\s*=\s*"(.*?)";/', $contents, $descriptionMatch);
preg_match('/\$order\s*=\s*"(.*?)";/', $contents, $orderMatch);
$title = $titleMatch[1] ?? 'No title';
$subtitle = $subtitleMatch[1] ?? 'No subtitle';
$order = $orderMatch[1] ?? '';
$description = $descriptionMatch[1] ?? 'No description';
// Correctly extract the filename
$filename = $phpfile; // Use basename on $phpfile directly
echo " <li role='menuitem' style=\"order:$order\"><a href=\"{$filename}\">{$title}</a>, <i>{$subtitle}</i>: {$description}</li>\n";
echo "</ul>";
You can call that code in a webpage, with something like this:
/*files beginning with i must be uppercase */
$path="../testi";// your path
$autore_di="Aristotele[di]";//texts of $autore
$autore_su="Aristotele[su]";//texts about $autore
include "$root/lista-files-testi-[autore]";
automatically list files in a website menu
You can create an automatic menu list of your files in a given folder, and in a folder with the same name of one file (without extension, of course). With a code like the following:
$phpfiles = glob("{$root}/$menupath/[^index]*.php");
foreach ($phpfiles as $phpfile) {
$contents = file_get_contents($phpfile);
// Match $order
preg_match('/\$order\s*=\s*"(.*?)";/', $contents, $orderMatches);
// Match $title
preg_match('/\$title\s*=\s*"(.*?)";/', $contents, $titleMatches);
// Assign the values
$order = $orderMatches[1] ?? null;
$title1 = $titleMatches[1] ?? null;
$filename1 = basename($phpfile); // Get only the file name
$filename = pathinfo($phpfile, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$filename = str_replace('-', ' ', $filename); // Replace hyphens with spaces in the filename
$filename = ucfirst($filename); // Optional: Capitalize the first letter for better readability
$link = "$root/$menupath/{$filename1}"; // Create the relative link
// Start the list item for the menu
echo "<li role='menuitem' style=\"order:$order\"><a href=\"{$link}\">{$title1}</a>";
// Check if a sub-menu is required (look for a folder matching the filename)
$folder = "{$root}/$menupath/{$filename}";
if (is_dir($folder)) {
// If the subfolder exists, generate the sublist automatically
$subfiles = glob("{$folder}/[^index]*.php");
if (count($subfiles) > 0) {
echo "<ul class='flexmenu'>"; // Start sublist
foreach ($subfiles as $subfile) {
$subfileName = basename($subfile);
$subfileTitle = pathinfo($subfile, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
// Match $order for subfiles
$subfileContents = file_get_contents($subfile);
preg_match('/\$order\s*=\s*"(.*?)";/', $subfileContents, $subfileOrderMatches);
$subfileOrder = $subfileOrderMatches[1] ?? null;
// Remove hyphens and add colon after the main part of the title
$subfileTitle = str_replace('-', ' ', $subfileTitle);
// Separate the main part (before the colon) and the rest of the title
$parts = explode(' ', $subfileTitle, 2); // Split into two parts: main and description
$mainPart = $parts[0]; // This is the first word (e.g., "Aristotele")
$description = isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : ''; // Everything after the first space (e.g., "l etica")
// Combine the main part with colon and the description
$formattedTitle = ucfirst($mainPart) . ": " . $description;
$subfileLink = "$root/$menupath/{$filename}/{$subfileName}";
echo "<li style=\"order:$subfileOrder\"><a href=\"{$subfileLink}\">{$formattedTitle}</a></li>";
echo "</ul>"; // End sublist
// End the list item for the menu
echo "</li>\n";
That you can call in a place of the whole menu with a code like this:
include "";
Where is the name of the file containing the above code.
apache not working, even installed
Maybe the problem is the php release.
I solved with this:
sudo a2dismod php8.1
sudo a2enmod php8.3
Automatic images gallery
With flickity and php you can realize an automatic images gallery, with automatic titles and (if they are present) metatags:
<div id="gallery" style="width: 50%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 4%;">
<div class="carousel" title="cliccare su una immagine per ingrandirla" data-flickity='{ "cellAlign": "center", "contain": true, "fullscreen": true, "wrapAround": true, "lazyLoad": 1 }'>
$images = glob("your-images-path/*.jpg");
foreach($images as $image)
// Ricava il titolo dell'immagine (metatag o nome del file)
$imagedescription = '';
if (function_exists('exif_read_data')) {
$exifData = exif_read_data($image);
// Controlla se esiste un campo di commento o descrizione
if (isset($exifData['ImageDescription'])) {
$imagedescription = $exifData['ImageDescription']; // Titolo o descrizione nell'EXIF
$imageTitle = '';
// Verifica se la funzione IPTC è disponibile
if (function_exists('iptcparse')) {
// Ottieni i metadati IPTC dall'immagine
$iptcData = iptcparse(@iptcembed('', $image)); // iptcembed recupera i metadati IPTC da un'immagine
// Controlla se il campo "headline" (titolo) è presente nei metadati IPTC
if (isset($iptcData[2])) {
$imageTitle = $iptcData[2][0]; // Il campo 2 è "headline" nell'IPTC
// Troncamento del titolo se troppo lungo
$maxLength = 50; // Lunghezza massima del titolo
if (strlen($imageTitle) > $maxLength) {
$imageTitle = substr($imageTitle, 0, $maxLength) . '...';
// Se non c'è un titolo IPTC, usa il nome del file senza trattini
if (empty($imageTitle)) {
$imageTitle = pathinfo($image, PATHINFO_FILENAME); // Ottieni il nome del file senza estensione
// Rimuovi trattini dal nome del file, se presenti
$imageTitle = str_replace('-', ' ', $imageTitle);
echo '<div class="carousel-cell' .($flag?' active':''). '">';
echo '<img title="'. $imagedescription .'" data-flickity-lazyload="'. $image .'" onclick="onClick(this)" />';
echo "<span class='carusel-image-title'>$imageTitle</span>";
echo '</div>';
sticky notes small problems fixed
I had some small problems with stricky notes widgets (windows always in a wrong position). Probably this code helped:
dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | xargs -r sudo dpkg -P
Purging obsolete configurations (of previously only removed packages).
convert pdf to svg
A good website is Convertio: it can convert, for free, your pdf to an svg absolutely identical, from a graphical point of view, with your original pdf, and the text remain text.
But on the other hand the resulting svg file is much bigger than the original pdf, because it is not optimized at all.