See TV channels from Decoder to Smartphone

With a Linux decoder such as Octagon (with Openatv e Kodi) you can see your TV on your smartphone. Provided that you have Kodi both on decoder and on smartphone.

  • Install on your smartphone Kodi app
  • in Kodi install a PVR client such as enigma2
  • configure the correct IP of your decoder (something like and your decoder Kodi credentials
  • you should be able to see your TV, as in the following image


Regex : an alphabetic letter

To mean one letter, such as ‘a’ or ‘G’, you can use [A-z].

I.g. if you want find any occurrence of strings such as 7956A, 5476H, 3865V, you can use


clone an installation with DD

Today I managed to clone a mounted linux installation with DD. This was the code:

 dd if=/dev/sdb3  of=/dev/sdb2 

/dev/sdb2 was mounted, but I let it inactive. In this way I got a perfecft and working clone of my first operative system. Of course I had to

  • fix a problem in the new partition (with GParted: check and fix partition): I noticed that fstab was not recognized as text file, i.g..
  • change /etc/fstab according to the UUID of the new installation (UUID of /dev/sdb2 is different from UUID of /dev/sdb3, as I saw in GParted)

Maybe I was very lucky. I’m not saying that you should follow my example: the best thing is to work on unmounted partitions.

upgrade problem with chroot

If you have to re-sume an interrupted upgrade in a KDE-Neon installation, and the only possible way is to use chroot, it could happen that you cannot use pkcon update (nor apt update).

In this case you could try with apt full-upgrade

I tried it successfully (2024-08-23).

Removing silence from an audio track

Audacity provide a tool to remove silences from an audio track (with tools – >Truncate silence), as explained here . You should customize the settings according to your needs.

But in my experience the “duration” of “detected silence” should be at least 1.5 sec, and the decibel “-30”. In this way you should avoid to truncate words said in a low volume, as it can happen.

Kate snippets code problem

Snippets in Kate are very useful, but a new snippet can cause a crash if you don’t pay attention to some symbols, such as “=”, or ” ” “. You have to “escape” this kind of symbols in the code of a snippet. To escape something, remind, you have to use “\“. I.g. to escape ", write \".

I.g. this code is not correct

${rangeCommand("<span lang='grc'>%%1</span>", "greco")}

While this one is correct
${rangeCommand("<span lang\='grc'>%%1</span>", "greco")}

Mega sync with rclone

Be careful: you have to set something like:

rclone sync [your-local-path/to/the-folder-to-sync] [the-rclone-name-of-your-mega-account]:[the-Mega-remote-folder] -l -v
i.g. rclone sync /mnt/my-path/myfolder my-mega:my-mega-remote-folder -l -v

mysql order negative number

In a table (chronological) if you have dates stored as text you could have problem to order your data.

I.g. you coud have this (wrong) order:

-13.600.000.000, -13.700.000.000,-4.600.000.000

To get the right order you can try with

cast(data as int)

Where “data” is the column of data (as the above values). In this way you will get the correct order:

-13.700.000.000, -13.600.000.000,-4.600.000.000

Flatpack and the space of the hard disk

Flatpack has the big advantage that you can a) run apps that couldn’t run the “normal” way (integrated with the system), because of lack of dependencies or b) have automatic updates of apps otherwise upgradable only via ppa or manually.

But its big disadvantage is the space occupied on your hard disk: indeed any app in Flatpack is a “world” in itself, regardless not only of the system, but also other apps in Flatpack itself.

Therefore, be careful to add Flatpack apps, unless you need really them (and them via Flatpack).